Tattoo Removal: Options for Getting That Tattoo You Regret Removed
Your tattoo was a mistake. What next? Well, you must be wondering that the tattoo removal procedures are extremely expensive and since you are not ready to spend that much you will have to live the rest of your life with that regretful decision. But guess what, there are options for all kinds of expense brackets that you can choose from. The tattoo removal procedures rather fast tattoo removal procedures are high in demand these days, but you need to understand the gravity of the situation and choose only those procedures that are safe for your skin type and that can give you promising results.
And also, to your knowledge, you are not alone in this journey of tattoo removal. Tattoo regrets are a real thing and you do have a lot of options available. All you need to understand is the procedure involved and the risks associated with it. Here are a few good options for fast tattoo removal that you can choose from for that tattoo that is nothing but regret.
#1 Laser tattoo removal
One of the most common and high-in-demand procedures for removing a tattoo is through laser. The expert works on the area of your tattoo with the pulses of the high beam of light to break it into tiny fragments. Though this procedure requires quite a few sessions depending on how big your tattoo is and what area it is on. But sometimes with a handful of sessions, the procedure might cause damage to your skin in the form of painful blisters or scabs. And one more con to this procedure is also that it is way too expensive.
#2 Non-laser all-natural fast tattoo removal
Well, you must have heard about various creams that can remove the tattoos, but those are not proven to be safe. But what if you are told that there is a method that is all-natural that can completely remove every inch of your tattoo ink which is so effective that even any laser procedures cannot give you that result. Tattoo Vanish Method is one such procedure of fast tattoo removal that not only is natural and free of toxins but also very affordable. This procedure is performed by a certified technician without any surgical interventions.
To make it painless, local anesthesia is given to the client and then an ink eraser is applied to the tattoo. This helps in pulling the ink out of the skin and once the treatment is complete, a think scab will be formed that will wear off in two weeks. The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, and you are good to go home.
#3 Skin excision
This is a surgical procedure that requires taking the tattooed skin out of your body. But the biggest drawback of this procedure is that it leaves a visible scar on that area. And if you have a bigger tattoo then this procedure is not for you as it is difficult to perform and is not recommended.
#4 Tattoo removal cream
This particular method is extremely popular because it is cheap and easy to perform. Though it is technically impossible to remove the ink from your dermis with a cream you might get a superficial fading of the ink from the epidermis which is a very rare scenario.
#5 Using saline to fade the ink
This particular procedure is not known to many as it is not that popular. But many tattoo artists claim that they can fade the ink by tattooing saline solution on that area. Though it is not at all proven it is said that this procedure usually works on older tattoos. And what is recommended is that once the ink slightly fades, you can opt for a coverup tattoo so that the old no one would know that you had a tattoo on that place before.
Since there are many fast tattoo removal options available in the market. You are surely looking for the one that is affordable, less painful, non-toxic, leaves no scars behind, and will not have any side effects on your skin. Well, you have your options right in front of you and you know what would work best and will give you the desired results. No more regrets!