Strategies on How to Overcome Writer’s Block
How to overcome writer’s block can be a tough thing to do, especially because every writer is unique. The causes of writers block are as varied as the ways to form a sentence, just like the cures. Every writer faces a blockage at some point in their career, and they all need to know about how to overcome it within a reasonable amount of time.
Famous writers and currently unknown writers alike suffer from writer’s block. J.K. Rowling herself has gone on record stating that during the writing of The Chamber of Secrets, she suffered from a five-week bout of the blockage. While that length of time is nothing compared to some writers, it is still a frustrating experience. She further commented that it was the sudden launch into fame and celebrity that made her shy and overly critical of her work. How to overcome writer’s block is a question all writers will eventually face.
The simplest solution might be the best: ignore it until it goes away. If one goes about one’s daily life ignoring the problem, it might just solve itself. Removing oneself from the world of words might be uncomfortable or self-indulgent at the beginning, but if the words do not flow, there is no reason to sit and stare at the computer, pulling hair out and frustrating oneself. Do not worry about how to overcome writer’s block, worry about what you will do when writer’s block is done. Think of plots and characters; storylines and unique conventions. Productivity is what one makes of it. One can either clean and organize or work on a completely different project in a different medium. Whichever method used, taking ones mind off writing will help in the long-run. Worrying about the lack of words flowing is only going to make the problem worse. Negative thinking is especially bad for the creative process, unless the negativity fuels anger.
Perhaps writer’s block is merely a way for ones mind to say: “Calm the hell down.” In this case, how to overcome writer’s block is just stopping writing for a spell. It may be psychological burnout or even occupational burnout. The psychological version concerns a decrease in interest in work and long-term exhaustion. This may be experienced by a high volume type of writing where the amount done per day is huge. How to overcome this kind of writer’s block may be easier: one could simply write out frustration or tiredness in a different form of writing or simply take a vacation. When a brain overheats, it only needs some time to cool down with relaxation. Organizational change in the form of changing workspaces, the types of content written or even the job itself, either the employment or the job descriptions itself. Education about the job also helps an employee dodge burnout.
The other version of burnout is similar, but more centered on the workplace. An employee might become cynical, stressful, overly negative and simply unhappy. This can often be seen in fast-paced and hard working industries, some of the most visible professions that have high amounts of burnout would be police, health care and service industries. Preventative measures include moral boosting techniques like contests, rewards and appreciation (either verbal or monetary), providing relaxation techniques and giving employees a little more freedom. How to overcome writer’s block in these situations requires the help and backup of the employers. If they do not provide help with this type of job dissatisfaction that translates into writer’s block, then they are not the kind of employee one should work for.
How to overcome writer’s block is a unique question for every writer. There are many methods that writers should try, and try them all they should, but it may take a while and a lot of questing to find what works for you. From not writing for a while to working on other art forms to just ingesting them, overcoming writer’s block is a unique experience for all writers. It is not an easy thing to do, but there are ways to succeed at getting over it. Research into writers block and businesses that can help a writer overcome it is a good way to spend the time that one is not using to write.